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For instance, one might choose to write on one of the major themes that will be presented on English assignment: names, speach, time, age, psychology, or the use of science in fiction. In any case, for any given theme, let's say time, one has to choose something that is central to the purpose of the portfolio. While there is an endless list, one can pick a few possibilities. One example might be, perhaps the speaker of this passage beamed the time-sensitive message to space shuttle Challenger. Another example would be the central theme of a poem, such as the one I outlined below. The answer to the question of content is dependent on the answers to the questions of purpose and audience. Well, what story do you want to tell?
What makes a good thesis statement? One of the key aspects for a good thesis statement is the centrality of the theme to the real world. To best understand this, imagine that you have narrowed it down to a rubric of one important idea that has an unrivaled significance. Now, as you start to write, you have a strong thesis statement in your head. After all, it is the main focus.
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Hana is a student living alone in the big city. She falls for a tall handsome stranger who turns out to be a werewolf. They have two children together. The older daughter is called Yuki and the younger son is called Ame.The romance is sweet but the couple needs a cuter meet-cute. The little kids are adorable. The mother's struggles are compelling. There are some heart strings being pulled in this movie and it's a terribly bitter sweet time. d2c66b5586