Learning Strategies In Second Language Acquisition
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So, without a babel fish or perfect technology, we are left with the old-fashioned way of learning a new language, which requires time, effort, and patience. How much time, effort, and patience depends a lot on the individual who is learning, as well as the learning environment and situation, but language researchers have developed a general outline of language acquisition that helps explain the process that language learners go through to develop skills in a foreign language. In this article, I will provide an overview to the stages of language acquisition, and offer strategies designed to support ELL instruction at different stages of language acquisition.
Researchers define language acquisition into two categories: first-language acquisition and second-language acquisition. First-language acquisition is a universal process regardless of home language. Babies listen to the sounds around them, begin to imitate them, and eventually start producing words. Second-language acquisition assumes knowledge in a first language and encompasses the process an individual goes through as he or she learns the elements of a new language, such as vocabulary, phonological components, grammatical structures, and writing systems.
How long does it take for a language learner to go through these stages Just as in any other learning situation, it depends on the individual. One of the major contributors to accelerated second language learning is the strength of first language skills. Language researchers such as Jim Cummins, Catherine Snow, Lily Wong Filmore and Stephen Krashen have studied this topic in a variety of ways for many years. The general consensus is that it takes between five to seven years for an individual to achieve advanced fluency. This generally applies to individuals who have strong first language and literacy skills. If an individual has not fully developed first language and literacy skills, it may take between seven to ten years to reach advanced fluency. It is very important to note that every ELL student comes with his or her own unique language and education background, and this will have an impact on their English learning process.
If you have ELL students in your classroom, it is more than likely there will be students at a variety of stages in the language acquisition process. What can teachers do to differentiate instruction according to language level Here are some suggestions for appropriate instructional strategies according to stages of language acquisition.
Explicit vocabulary instruction is very important in accelerating ELL students' English language development. Textbooks include lists of new vocabulary words based on grade-level content, but ELL students need further vocabulary instruction. There are many words in a text that may affect the ELL student's comprehension of the text that a teacher may assume he or she knows. It is important for teachers to develop ways to help students identify the words they don't know, as well as strategies for getting their meaning. Of course it is also beneficial if teachers reinforce the language structures or common associations of vocabulary. For example, \"squeak\" is a sound that often goes with \"mouse\" or \"door\" and it may be stated as, \"squeak, squeaky, squeaks, or squeaked.\"
Seek the experts in your building or district who can offer you guidance on effective instructional strategies for your ELL students. There are many teachers who have taught ELL students in your content area, have taught a certain population of students, or are trained ESL or bilingual teachers who have a lot of advice and support to offer. Don't hesitate to look for support when you are challenged to reach students who are learning English. This can be especially true when you have a \"pre-production\" or \"beginning level\" student and you are responsible for grade level content instruction.
Visit the hotlinks section for this article for more information on specific research regarding language acquisition and recommended instructional strategies. You can also search the Colorín Colorado educator information for useful information and resources to assist you in meeting ELL student needs.
ELL teachers encounter students with a variety of backgrounds and abilities, and until the babel fish comes into existence, they will need to have flexibility, creativity and skill in order to help ELL students make meaning from the new language and content they are learning. An understanding of the language acquisition process and levels will help teachers tailor instruction to meet the needs of a diverse group of learners. Students will benefit from everything teachers do to support the development of their language skills while teaching them grade level content. Together teachers and students develop their understanding of each other, the world around them, and the language that connects us all.
This chapter from Classroom Instruction That Works with English Language Learners Facilitator's Guide, by Jane D. Hill and Cynthia L. Björk, offers information on the second language acquisition process and effective ELL instruction. It includes a a simplified chart of language acquisition levels and the kinds of language teachers can use to help students at each level.
Downloadable booklet from the Northwest Regional Education Laboratory, \"Strategies and Resources for Mainstream Teachers of English Language Learners.\" Includes useful information on language levels, acquisition and 10 things teachers can do today to help ELL students.
This page has been up for awhile but how is language acquisition coupled with error correction And explicit vocabulary instruction, neither of which has been proven to be very effective and NOT part of acquiring a language. Some didn't read their research correctly.
Thank you for the validation on past practices and the continuation of guided , differenciated teaching practices for ELL students at any level of instruction. Being mindful of acquisition of language, for any student, and strategic scaffolding, is key to any language experience in the classroom.
The study believes LLSs are referring to conscious and semi-conscious thoughts and behaviors that learners used to improvetheir knowledge and understanding of a target language. Although I think learning strategies are the conscious use of efficienttechniques to understand new information, link it to the related existing data, and use it to learn effectively [10-12].
The three aforementioned articles investigate different strategies used among undergraduate and postgraduate students inHong Kong and Iran. I have studied them in detail in order to consider their method, design, method of data collection and dataanalysis adapt for my research. One of the important factors which affect the use of learning strategies in learning is motivationthat has been not considered in these three pieces of research. If the learners are expected to employ the learning strategies intheir learning, they should be motivated. The quantitative method has been applied in these three articles. However, I will choosea mixed method design as it can be more valid to do quantitative and qualitative method research to find more accurate learningstrategies and variables affecting the strategies to help learners who are not able to identify their learning strategies. On the otherhand, applying just a quantitative method in this type of research can reduce the validity. Regarding these three articles, surveydesign has been applied that may not assess fully what the researchers expect to, so I will employ action research and case studydesign to conduct more valid research. Although their methods of data collection are to some extent valid and the questionnaireis standardized, administering the test-retest is crucial to enhancing more reliability. Moreover, adding other appropriate instrumentsis necessary to collect more reliable data. I will also administer SILL questionnaire and interview the learners while theyare doing tasks and record video when they are thinking aloud to add to the reliability of my research as much as possible. I needstatistics, content and discourse analysis to analyze the data as discourse analysis will be more reliable and useful. In whole,these three articles have lightened my way to conduct my study better.
Some solution explores issues to language learning strategy research through analyzing existing research. It can be beneficialto do mixed method research to find more learning strategies and variables affecting the strategies to help learners who arenot able to identify their learning strategies. It cannot happen through observation because the mental process is not observable.The possible way can be learners' reports and the validity is related to how the learners can be truthful. Language learners usuallywrite diaries and journals, answer the questionnaire, are interviewed, and think aloud to help researchers explore more abouttheir LLSs. However, each of them has its inaccuracy and shortcoming. Researchers try to do their best to come to a desirableresult. As an example, a questionnaire that is the most frequent and efficient method, cannot sometimes be reliable, becausethe learners may not remember the strategies they have used in the past. Furthermore, interviewing cannot be valid, because thelearners may forget some details of their thought processes. The thinking-aloud protocol is another instrument to collect relevantdata. The learners describe what they are doing while working on a task one at a time. These thinking aloud protocols tend to revealon-line processing and it can assist in doing more reliable and valid research in the area. Having class discussion exactly afterdoing a task and eliciting the individual current strategy applied to doing the task is another tool for collecting information. Thiscan be a tactic to discover the rich variety of practical strategies. In addition, it tends to help other learners as well and motivatesthem to be critical thinkers. It states the strategies vary regarding the language learning objectives; therefore, learners should betaught especial strategy used for the main objective. LLSs can be taught in L1 because it is essential for the beginners to acquirethem in order to use it and become highly motivated to continue learning the language. However, it suggest that learners shouldstay in the target language and learn whatever they need in L2 though code switching can be used for beginners. Oxford statesthat according to recent research results, among learning strategy variables, meta-cognitive and cognitive strategies are consideredtwo essential strategies in language learning. Nonetheless, the importance of affective and meta-affective strategies isnoticeable in the learners at the lower level of proficiency. The careful investigation reveals that less research has been conductedin these areas. Furthermore, enough attention should be paid. 59ce067264
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