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The case study methodology in a moral and practical terms [4] is a versatile method for the identification, analysis and critical [35], [36] and [37] debate and examination of the concepts of person-centredness. The case studies were valuable in giving an in-depth view of various subject areas as well as validating the practical justification and interpretations of the conceptual model.
Rights theory is a theory about individual persons. As Dworkin [38] [39] observes, it gives all persons a common set of "right" claims. The theories in this study are human-centred, individual-centred and holistic rights theories. I have described rights theory as personal, human-centred, and holistic. A personalised rights approach provides an interpretation of the individual by means of rights. A human-centred rights approach interprets rights as conveyed by a person to another person. A holistic rights theory seeks to interpret rights in the context of whole societies. Human-centred rights theories see the context of the individual and the context of society as being equivalent. This study examined issues around assessing the feasibility of the rights of an animal or other sentient human, and the consultation with policy makers at national level about the possible abolition of the legal status, of animals as well as other sentient humans. The rights of animals against others (or human-made situations) are seen by rightists to be excluded. Themes around animal welfare law and law alone were also examined.
Rights theory is a theory about individual persons. It is sceptical of the claim of persons to rights, and is aimed at uncovering the practical, moral reasons why this claim is illegitimate. In the case of an endangered species, protection may lie in depriving people of the pleasure and recreation of hunting. There may be objections, such as the rights of nature, that persons may want to exercise. It seems reasonable to suppose that rights theory would be a way of protecting the rights of those who wish to exercise their natural rights. d2c66b5586