Duck Life: Battle [full Version]
The duck battle arena is a metaphor for a training ground in the dojo.The first thing you have to do is make your duck strong in the dojo and find a way back home.Once you are done training, your duck can face other ducks in the arena and fight to win.By winning battles you earn money that you can spend to train your duck further or get weapons, new special skills or buy extra lives.
The game is fast paced and easy to play.The duck is controlled by the mouse.A double click will make your duck jump, holding the CTRL key will let you guard or block, while pressing the mouse button down on something will make your duck attack it.You will also be able to use a keyboard shortcut, but keep in mind that a double click is the most reliable way to control the duck.You can train your special skills by clicking and holding left mouse button.If you hold a position (ex: right button) and click, you will build a house, of course you can train your special skills there.And if you hold a position and hold the double click, you will train with that duck.
This game is just an online game but it is very good in an interesting way. You can play it easily through your favorite browser. I recommend you to this game. This is very good in an interesting way. d2c66b5586