Becker Serial Code Calculator !!BETTER!!
The Radio Code consists of 4 digit numbers separated by a single slash(/). The first two digits of the 4-digit radio code are preprinted above the be***er radio, for example, a radio with a code of 1990710, would have preprinted in the be***er radio: 199 0710. That is the last step in our radio software decoding project. Once we have found this code, it is up to you to download the correct radio unlocking code and follow note #1 or #2 there.
There are 3 different values that you can find in an 8 digit becker radio code. Each value has particular meanings and you can use the following table to quickly calculate the 4 digit radio code for your becker radio. For example, if you have a radio code of 134604, then you know that the number 34 is a 1.
The number 64 is special because it represents the word 64 encoded and is also the highest number which you can use to unlock your radio. In order for the radio to work, you need to enter the 4-digit radio code found in your owner's manual into the following section(s) on your head unit (or radio):
All of the following example codes are in accordance with the radio owner's manual and are case sensitive, you must not change the case of the radio code for any of the following codes except the code in step 3. For example, if you want to unlock the becker radio with the name "BEB399LE30AGL".
Here are some frequently asked questions regarding radio software decoding for the becker radio. Some of these questions have already been answered in the answers section of the becker radio radio code decoder section. Please use the search facility in the top right corner for the fastest solution.
Call Becker Customer Support at 1-800-869-7634 and ask for your code on your DC-40/DC-40DC/DC-40AD/DC-40DAC/DC-50DC radio. Please provide them with the serial number and the type of radio you have. d2c66b5586