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This is just absurd, I'm trying to import an xps file into Siebel via adobe lifecycle designer but it just won't work.The file is automatically selected in Adobe. It says it's opened fine via my login, I hit submit and it just vanishes to thin air.It doesn't show any errors or bug messages either.I'm thinking it may have something to do with the fact that they're using cas or something like that, what could I do about it?
I'm trying to import a KMS (Kaspersky Management Suite) and many other documents into SAP with adobe livecycle designer and after "sending submission" nothing happens, the document disappears and any actions are not recorded in the logs and it just closes.Help!
I'm using adobe livecycle designer to import a SAP.pdf file.The pdf I'm trying to import is supposed to hold the ITEM REQUISITIONS.It contains Raw data of a customer's item request.Is there any way to link item requests individually into a new.PY file?
I'm running SAP org unified buyer, i try to paste a.pdf file that represent my duellist template in adobe lifecycle designer i draw the old user interface using the mouse to make sure the settings are the same that i have in my duellist but my interface is not the same as the 1 that i have on my repository.what can i do about it?
Hi Guys, I am trying to import a file into SAP and i cant seem to do it using adobe life cycle designer.The file is being opened manually by the user but when i hit submit and go to the log file it is simply not there.I have tried to import an xls file and it works fine.The file that i need to import is filled with html text like this: d2c66b5586